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- Towards a Carbon Neutral Europe - How will the EU energy-intensive industry reach the targets?
Towards a Carbon Neutral Europe - How will the EU energy-intensive industry reach the targets?
Vers une neutralité carbone de l’Europe — Comment les secteurs industriels énergivores de l’UE atteindront-ils cet objectif?
EU’s target to reduce its CO2 emissions by 60 % by 2030 represents a great challenge to the EU. Between 1990 and 2018, in 28 years, we have managed to cut our emissions by 22 %. Going the rest of the way in 10 years will not be easy.
Crucial to the solving of this equation is to determine what role the ETS should play and what the role of the burden sharing sector will be. Likewise, in view of the increased ambition, how will the reduction targets be distributed among the Member States? This event will look to 27/10/2020 provide answers to the following questions:
• How will the EU achieve its targets of reducing emissions?
• How will the EU distribute the reductions between the sectors covered by the EU ETS,
which already include central industry and energy production, and sectors outside the
EU ETS, such as agriculture and transport?
• How can green gases such as Green Hydrogen and Biomethane help energy-intensive
• How can we take the necessary action while preventing carbon leakage?
• How will the EU targets be distributed among the Member States? Will they remain
objectives or will they become obligations? How can the EU facilitate reaching these
• How can EU instruments, such as the Just Transition Mechanism, contribute to these
L’objectif de l’UE de réduire ses émissions de CO2 de 60 % d’ici 2030 représente un grand défi pour l’Union. Entre 1990 et 2018, en 28 ans, nous avons réussi à réduire nos émissions de 22 %. Atteindre l'objectif final durant les 10 années qui nous séparent de 2030 ne sera pas chose facile.
Pour résoudre cette équation, il est essentiel de déterminer le rôle que le système européen d'échanges de quotas d'émissions (EU ETS) devrait jouer et la répartition de l’effort qui reste à faire. De plus, si les ambitions communes sont revues à la hausse, comment seront répartis les objectifs de réduction entre les États Membres? Cet événement visera à répondre aux questions suivantes :
• Comment l’UE atteindra-t-elle ses objectifs de réduction des émissions?
• Comment l’UE répartira-t-elle les objectifs de réduction entre les secteurs couverts par le système de quotas (qui incluent déjà l’industrie centrale et de la production d’énergie), ainsi que les secteurs en dehors de système tels que l'agriculture et les transports?
• Comment les gaz verts tels que l'hydrogène vert et le biométhane peuvent-ils aider les industries lourdes dans leurs efforts de décarbonation?
• Comment pouvons-nous prendre les mesures nécessaires tout en empêchant les fuites de carbone?
• Comment les objectifs de l'UE seront-ils répartis entre les États membres ? Se dirige-t-on vers des obligations plus contraignantes? Comment l'UE peut-elle faciliter la réalisation de ces objectifs?
• Comment les instruments de l'UE, tels que le mécanisme pour une transition juste, peuvent-ils contribuer à ces efforts?
Kristian Stokholm
Danish Social-Liberal Party (MP candidate)
Q: As a contribution to energy efficiency would also be the use of energy as a “by-product” or even “waste product” - e.g. process heat from one industrial production can be reused in different industrial productions - maybe even different companies. This would require some efforts in organisation but offers a rather quick and substantial impact on both the economic side as well as the CO2-reduction side. Such schemes exist in Denmark and certainly also in other countries, but what can be done to extend them to cross border schemes? (to Catharina Sikow Magny)
Francois Paquet
COGEN Europe
Q: What about the need for energy efficiency in using fuels such as hydrogen, biogas to avoid the waste of these valuable resources and leave more of them available to decarbonise other sectors of the economy? Unfortunately, the Hydrogen Strategy and the Energy System Integration Strategy do not flag to need for avoiding the waste of these energy sources. What about fostering solutions like cogeneration in priority to close the loop of renewables in the best way, but also avoid waste heat in the first place? (to Catharina Sikow Magny)
Eduard Kokaia
Q: The production of a ceramic foam block using carbon-free technology and without cement will allow at least 20% decarbonization of the expanded clay industry (goo.gl/GMrabP). It is also possible to use a high temperature solar oven, the concept can be checked in DLR or four-solaire.fr. How to find an organization in the EU to research and implement an innovative engineering solution?