• Q: As reported in the January 2020 EU study on due diligence requirements, only 16 percent of the 334 business respondents surveyed from different sectors, and outside the EU, said they undertake due diligence that takes into account human rights and environmental impacts throughout their value chain. Instead of focusing on due diligence, wouldn't it be more impactful to have the EU reach out to countries with the least stringent (socially and environmentally speaking) legislation to offer technical know-how to modify their legislation and to build implementation and oversight capacity? In that way EU companies would be more "compelled" to respect human (in particular indigenous) rights.

  • Itziar

    Q: Question to Mr. Cali: Chile has decided in a referendum to modify its Constitution that was dated from the Pinochet dictatorship. How does the UN foresee to collaborate with the Chilean authorities to ensure proper recognition of the Mapuches?

  • Sophia

    Q: How would you convince the Russian Federation, harmful extractive industries in that country and indigenous peoples who work for those industries to move past that obsolete economic model? + There is also a contradiction with the land legislation in Russia as, as far as I'm aware, it provides land for rent, but not for the use free of charge as stipulated in aboriginal legislation. Has there been any progress in adjusting aboriginal law to international law, to a human rights-based approach? Lastly, what one recommendation would you give to the EU now that the EU's Arctic policy is being reviewed? Thank you. (to Rodion Sulyandziga)

  • Medes Malaihollo

    University of Groningen

    Q: Thank you. You can reach out to me at medes.malaihollo@gmail.com

  • Medes Malaihollo

    University of Groningen

    Q: To what extent does the EU support the Nordic Sámi Convention? As the Sámi people are an indigenous people residing on the territory of EU Member States (Sweden and Finland), I am very curious as to what the role of the EU is with regard to the ratification of this treaty. Thank you. (to Sebastien Porter)